How do I end my EV trip?

Returning an EV is the same as any other Zipcar, except you must plug the car in before ending your trip if it's parked at a Charging Home Location.

Here’s the details:

  • Return your car to the same location you picked it up from.
  • Your location will be a Charging Home Location or Non-Charging Home Location.
    • If it’s a Charging Home Location, there is a charging station at the Zipcar home parking spot, and you will need to plug the car in at the end of your trip.
    • If it’s a Non-Charging Home Location, there is no charging station at the Zipcar home parking spot, and you do not need to plug the car in at the end of your trip.
  • Here’s how to plug your car in and end your trip:
    • Park in a spot with an EV charging station. You’ll need to keep the car unlocked to access the charging port. So don’t lock up or end the trip quite yet!
    • Grab the charging card from the visor and follow the directions on the charging station to plug in.
    • Once your car’s plugged in, return the charging card to the visor.
    • You’ll know the car is charging when the red charge icon in the dashboard lights up. Once it does, you can clean up and take all your stuff with you.
    • Then lock the doors and end the trip in the app.

Quick Tip

Check what type of home location your EV is parked in by looking at the location details in your reservation.