Are there any fees if I cancel or shorten my booking?

As long as any changes to your trip are made with enough advance notice, no additional charges or fees will be applied, and you will receive a refund for the change or cancellation. To ensure you receive the full refund amount, be sure to modify your booking within the following timeframes:

  • Within 30 minutes of creating a trip
  • Up to 3 hours before the start time (for trips less than 8 hours in length)
  • At least 24 hours in advance (for trips 8 hours or greater in length)

Cancellations or shortened bookings made outside of the above timeframes will be ineligible for a refund.

Keep In Mind

  • If you need to modify your booking, rates are honored for 1 month before and after your original trip
  • Early returns cannot be credited for time unused
  • You can extend your ongoing trip if no existing trips immediately following yours