Driving credit is credit that can be applied to the cost of a future trip. Driving credit may be automatically applied to your account per your rate plan, applied following a poor experience with the service, or redeemed as part of a promotion.
Here are some things to know about driving credit:
- Driving credit is non-transferrable
- Driving credit will be available and usable by all drivers on your account
- It is not possible to apply driving credit to a specific trip, it will always be applied to the next booking created
- Driving credit cannot be applied to ongoing or past trips
- Driving credit only covers booking costs, and does not cover fees, violations, tolls, & other non-trip charges
- Credit is available in the currency of the member’s primary driving country, and cannot be applied to reservations in places with a different currency
- Driving credit expires after a period of time (you can view the expiration of credit on your billing page)
- Driving credit is applied to the cost of your trip before taxes are calculated