Account Settings & Preferences
- How do I cancel my membership?
- How can I reactivate my membership?
- How do I change the damage protection coverage for drivers on my account?
- How can I update my phone number if I no longer have access to the original number?
- How do I change my membership plan?
- I changed my membership plan, how will I be charged?
- I am a business member, how can I open a personal account?
- Am I able to switch my current membership plan to a sponsored plan?
- Am I able to receive a Zipcard or a replacement?
- How do I change the damage protection coverage for drivers on my business account?
- How do I update my driver's license information?
- How do I update my name?
- How do I update my email address?
- How do I update my phone number?
- How can I reset or change my password?
- How can I update my email address if I no longer have access to that email?
- How can I update the name of my business?
- Can I require drivers on my business account to input a booking memo?
- How can I update my notification settings?
- How can I opt out of the sharing or sale of my personal information?